This Supplement has Mycelization Technology.
Only ISO 22000 FSSC Certified Supplement that Guarantees Harmlessness and Doping Free:
Totally Vegetable, Organic and Non-GMO Origin.

Inside each capsule you find:

A custom formula of high quality and technology, (developed by Linus Pauling)

StarBien Omnilife

What is Starbien omnilife for?

The main benefit of Starbien Omnilife is that it provides an overall sense of well-being, controls stress and increases energy.

Starbien Omnilife is good for relieving muscle aches and cramps. Ideal for diabetics, regulates the level of sugar in the blood. Helps to lose weight and reduces size, as it helps to eliminate cholesterol, arteriosclerosis. Regulates blood pressure.

Click on our official website and learn more:

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Scientific references: